A documentary on modern relationships

“Relationships” is a documentary on modern romantic, family, self, living and tech relationships; exploring cross-cultural differences, social and technological impact.
Beginning from a 75 and 23 years old gay marriage that defies both cultural and age expectations, “Relationships” starts out with sociologist Julia Carter’s viewpoints on modern marriage being the result of rules, regulations, and consumerism. Alternative relationships such as LATs (Living apart relationships), Open relationships, Swedish concepts of Särbo, Sambo challenge traditional ideas of fidelity and marital structures, while the transition from an authoritative to democratic style of education prompts rethinking of modern families and parenting.
Lack of emotional education link to subjects such as toxic masculinity, stigmas towards seeking therapy and depression. Co-living options burgeoning in Asia redefine the meaning of home and community. When social and technological change impact modern relationships, how do we move forward in this ever-changing landscape of human connection?
Collaborating with filmmakers from the US, UK, Japan and Taiwan, "Relationships" includes interviews from Dr. Julia Carter, a sociologist & senior Lecturer at UWE in London; Joseph Bayer, Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University; Luke Lee, CEO of The School of Life Taipei; also Chou Mu Tzu, Counseling Psychologist & Author of "Emotional Blackmail", gathering some of the most important figures and insight in the emotional education and mental health field.
★ 2021 Anatolia International Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
★ 2021 Castellabate Film Festival, Castellabate, Italy
★ 2021 Believe Psychology Film Festival, California, USA
★ 2021 London City FIlm Awards, UK
Dr. Julia Carter 朱莉亞 卡特: 社會學家 & 英國西英格蘭大學講師
Joseph Bayer 約瑟夫 拜爾: 美國俄亥俄州立大學傳播學院 助理教授
李欣龍: 人生學校(台北) 執行長
周慕姿: 諮商心理師 & 暢銷書《情緒勒索》作者
許常德: 兩性專家 & 作家
洪仲清: 臨床心理師 & 作家
Nobuhito Kodama 兒玉 信仁: 日本 REBITA 資產經理
林宛縈: 捕息工作室 創辦人
柯伯麟: 玖樓共生公寓 共同創辦人
許欣瑞: 波栗打開開資源網 POLY.TW 召集人
Martin Ferm 方馬丁: 瑞典藝人